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当前位置:家教网首页 > 贵阳家教网 > 外语学习 > 春天不减肥夏天徒伤悲 地道减肥英语学起来!

春天不减肥夏天徒伤悲 地道减肥英语学起来!

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-07



① Make your couch a no-eating zone.


“I found that when I sat in my overused, sunken-in spot in the couch with food, it turned into a mindless binge-fest. Sitting at a table or kitchen bar with a plate and silverware made me more mindful and present when I ate, which in turn helped me to listen to my satiety cues and stop eating when I was full. Lost over 100 pounds in a little over a year.”



② Stop weighing yourself as a means of measuring your progress.


“For a while I was focused on making my weight number constantly decrease. When I stopped looking at that and just focused on being healthy — eating right, fruits and veggies for snacks, exercising — that was when I started losing weight and feeling better!”


—Jordan Panza, Facebook

③ Or take it a step further and don’t even look in the mirror.


“This was sophomore year of college and my roommate didn’t have a full-length mirror to hang in our room, and neither did I. Without it, I discovered that I could mark my progress based on how I felt rather than how I looked. This was great because it prevented me from being discouraged when I didn’t see results right away. Looking back on it now, not having the opportunity to constantly glance at my reflection actually played a pretty key role in my success. I ended up losing around 40 pounds total.”



④ Don’t try to ignore your cravings — just find healthier ways to satisfy them.


“I will never be the girl who says no to pizza or bread. Embracing it and not hating myself for it was the first step. Then I was able to find ways to satisfy those needs in a better way. For example, Cauliflower pizza crust pretty much satisfies my need for pizza. (I know, it doesn’t sound believable but it’s true!)”


—Elyse Miller, Facebook

⑤ Give up delivery and start preparing your own meals instead.



—Arielle Calderon, Facebook

⑥ Skip escalators and elevators.


“I took the stairs EVERYWHERE! I worked on the sixth floor when I started this endeavor. I had to start getting to work earlier than normal just to make sure I’d make it up in time without being disgustingly sweaty. I lost 40 pounds in the first eight months and now I’m running half marathons multiple times per year!”


—Danielle Rose, Facebook

⑦ Don’t stop at home before going to the gym after work or class.


“I cut out the middle step of going home before working out and started going to the gym straight from work. If I set foot in my apartment, all intentions of going to the gym fall by the wayside because my bed and Netflix always sound like better alternatives. Going to the gym straight from work helped me get into a routine, and in just over a year, I’ve lost 45-plus pounds.”


—Shannon Ireland, Facebook

⑧ Or stop forcing yourself to go to the gym if you hate it, and find an exercise you actually enjoy.


“I gave up trying to enjoy the gym and found things I actually like doing! What a difference! I’ve lost 30 pounds simply by finding exercise I enjoy, such as hiking, biking, yoga, swimming, snowshoeing, and kayaking, among other things. Now I crave exercise and can’t wait for my next workout session, because nothing feels like a workout anymore!”



⑨ Start taking your coffee black.


“Started drinking black coffee instead of having it with cream and sugar or the flavored creamers.”


—Molly Smith, Facebook

⑩ Replace “I wish” with “I will.”


“I used to always say, ‘I wish I looked like that.’ Or I would look at people on Instagram who had lost 100 pounds and I would think, I wish I could do that. And then finally it just hit me. Stop wishing for it and just do it. Replacing ‘I wish’ with ‘I will’ has helped me make actual goals that I am on the way to achieving. I have been working out six days a week and watching what I eat for over a month now and I have lost over 20 pounds. I am so excited to see where I WILL be in a year!”









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